Church Ministries

At Swiss Colony, we are engaged in a variety of ministries and outreach activities to advance the Gospel, glorify the Lord, serve His people, and fulfill the Great Commission. Jesus said in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you” (CSB). Our church fulfills this commission through the preaching, teaching, and pastoral care ministry of our pastor, the discipleship ministry, the Bible release time ministry, the children’s, youth, and student ministries, Vacation Bible School, women’s ministry through our Women’s Missionary Union (WMU), our worship and music ministries, and our various outreach ministries. Swiss Colony also advances the Gospel through partnership with our sister churches in the work of our local association, our church’s regular giving to missions through the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention, and our participation in various discipleship and mission projects.

Discipleship Ministry

Discipleship is the process of growing in our faith in Jesus and helping others to do the same. Discipleship is the core of who we are and what we do as a church congregation. Growing in our faith, knowledge, and understanding of the Gospel and learning how to obediently live out our faith in Christ is at the heart of our mission. Our church’s discipleship ministry is led by our Director of Discipleship, Brother Jake Roberts. Our discipleship groups meet on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 a.m. ET. We have discipleship groups for both adults and children of all ages. Please contact us if you have questions about how to get involved in our discipleship ministry, and we’ll be glad to share more!

Bible Release Time Ministry

As part of our church’s mission to reach and teach the next generation for Christ, we minister regularly throughout the academic year to children enrolled at Colony Elementary School near our church. During our Bible Release Time sessions, our leaders and trained volunteers minister to participating children and teach them about the Bible and biblical truth through engaging lessons and fun, Gospel-focused activities. During their time at our church through the Bible Release Time program, children learn about the Bible, the biblical story of creation, the story of Noah and the flood, the story of Abraham, God’s plan for homes, God’s plan for hands, and God’s plan for hearts. Our Bible Release Time Ministry is led by Sister Kimberly Brown, Director of Bible Release Time. If you have questions about how to volunteer and support our Bible Release Time ministry or about how to get your child enrolled in BRT, please contact the church and we’ll be glad to get you more information.

Children, Youth, and Student Ministries & Vacation Bible School

In addition to our Children’s Discipleship ministry and our Bible Release Time ministry, our church also ministers to children, youth, and students during our mid-week Wednesday evening service. Brother Chris Miniard, our Youth Director, leads our youth ministry. In addition, each summer, our church hosts a Vacation Bible School for children and students of all ages. Our Vacation Bible School ministry is led by our VBS Director, Sister Karen Moore. If you have questions about our children’s, youth, and student ministry, or our VBS ministry, please contact the church, and we’ll be glad to share more information!

Women’s Ministry (WMU)

Swiss Colony ministers to women and engages our women in mission work through our church’s Women’s Missionary Union (WMU). The mission of our WMU is to make disciples of Jesus who live on mission. The WMU seeks to support and empower the women of our church by carrying out the Great Commission locally and throughout the world. Our WMU supports mission work locally, throughout North America, and internationally through participation in various mission projects throughout the year. Our WMU Director, Dr. Laura Brock, leads the Swiss Colony WMU ministry. If you have questions about how to support or get involved with the Swiss Colony WMU, please contact the church, and we’ll be glad to share more information!

9am serviceWorship and Music Ministries

Psalm 150:1-6 declares, “Hallelujah! Praise God in his sanctuary. Praise him in his mighty expanse. Praise him for his powerful acts; praise him for his abundant greatness. Praise him with the blast of the trumpet; praise him with harp and lyre. Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and flute. Praise him with resounding cymbals; praise him with clashing cymbals. Let everything that breaths praise the LORD. Hallelujah!” (CSB). As part of our regular Sunday morning and Wednesday evening worship services, our congregation hears the preaching and proclamation of the Word from our pastor and worships the Lord in song through the singing of hymns, instruments, and special music shared by volunteers in our congregation. Our music ministry is led by our Director of Music, Brother Rick Moore, and our Church Pianist, Brother Rick Brown. If you have questions about how to support or get involved with Swiss Colony’s music ministry, please contact the church, and we’ll be glad to share more information!

Pickleball Ministry

Our church has an active pickleball ministry that meets during the week in our Family Life Center/Gym. We have two full-size, indoor pickleball courts setup in our gym that members and guests play at regularly. Our pickleball ministry is led by Brother Rick Moore and Brother Chris Miniard. Participants usually meet on Monday or Thursday evenings. If you are interested in joining a pickleball session, please contact the church and we’ll be glad to share more information!

Outreach and Care Ministries

Our church sponsors and facilitates a variety of outreach ministries and activities throughout the year, including pastoral care, visitation, and evangelistic outreach by our pastor, visitation, evangelism, and community outreach by our deacons, ministry directors and leaders, and church members, and church-wide community outreach and ministry activities. Among our largest outreach activities is our church’s annual “Tables of Treats” event that takes place each October 31 (or whenever the official evening for community “Trick or Treat” is scheduled). Our church hosts this event indoors in our Family Life Center and provides candy and a safe environment for local community children and families that come by to visit, along with resources to share the Gospel with visitors. Several hundred people come by our church each year during this event. It is a fun night of ministry and fellowship for all of our volunteer participants! If you have questions about how to help support or get involved with our church’s outreach activities, please contact the church and we will be glad to share more information with you!